Friday, December 19, 2008
Holidays are many things to many people. For me, holidays are primarily about my family getting together. It is an opportunity to strengthen family bonds. Relatives that you are either close to, or enjoy their company, join together with you to celebrate togetherness.
People who do not have large families or those who might have, but sadly, can’t afford to stay close due to their own “cibainess”, may not want to join together. I wish they will stop prattling about the fact that they know they are not the first priority when it’s about battling for love.
Pathetic! I mean, don’t try to gain sympathy by saying such things you know. It’s not going to change people’s mind and make them love you instead! If you know you are not as important, and you are probably their second choice, FUCK OFF la!! Go find some new people. Leave us alone! hehe!!
Ok..ok.. too much la aku ni..Haha! I have got better things to share.
So, about the Batam trip.
Before this trip, I’ve always been irked just by the sound of Batam. Like eeeew! It’s a place for Wak2 gatal! However, my impression changed after that!
We stayed at the Holiday Inn Resort Batam at the Waterfront City. It reflects all the romance, charm and relaxed atmosphere. It was equipped with all the facilities and services expected from an international resort. It is the place to come alive, relax, enjoy and just be yourself than you could ever imagine. There are 235 tastefully decorated and appointed suites each with an enchanting view of the swimming pool surrounded with lush tropical landscape offering an exceptional level of affordable luxury and elegance.
We all enjoyed our stay a lot! Like I said earlier, with the company of people you love, it actually does not really matter where you go. Look at the pictures below..

In the ferry otw there..

Seafood for Dinner!!

Our room!

Breakfast buffet!

My brothers splashing in the pool!
That's about all! The rest, facebook ok??!
We also had good food outside, but my bimbo sister left her D60 in the room! =(
5:50 PM;
left undecided.
Monday, December 15, 2008
My darling nephew celebrates his 3rd at East Coast Chalet last Saturday. Glad to see the fruits of my hard work ripen! Ok nonsense! Haha! Errr… it’s not like I put in so much effort la, but that was good enough! I don’t give free services to anyone so easily ok?? Haha!
It was a relieve that the organized activities planned earlier were free from interruptions and went through quite a smooth progress.
We had face painting, balloon sculpting and candy floss which we opened for public much later. Cannot waste!! We paid $220 for just the candy floss! Haha! Indians are fucking cheap(Rusell Peters!).
We played some games that were mostly arranged by me, in the nick of time. Always last minute la Farhanah! The kids seemed to enjoy it though!
Actually, I’m super sleepy. There are so many things in mind just now, but my mind has gone blank. Not functioning properly!!
Below are some pictures la eh..

He is so damn adorable!!!

Candy Floss!!

Two very important people!!

Balloonist at work!!

(The others see on facebook la can..!)
I am going to Holiday Inn, Batam tomorrow and will blog about my trip when I come back. I’m packing my bag and will be sleeping sooooon! Miss me ok!!
11:22 PM;
left undecided.
I am a GHOSTElusive and plotting, I am the intellect of the monster types. I sit and hold grudges for years and plan my ultimate revenge. And when it comes, my troubled soul just wants more. I tend to be a loner, but occasionally find other wandering souls to connect with. My true passion is power and exerting the sweet nuances of power on others. I also like the occasional indie movie.
Ok! Is this true?? Haha!!
9:53 PM;
left undecided.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My ability to write compelling and engaging content on a consistent basis over time has declined. Apparently, I don’t make a successful blogger who keep their heads around many different aspects of a medium.
However, after Hari Raya Haji, I started thinking again. Hahaha! Yes! I wasn’t thinking before that. Experiencing the entire mess, I suddenly got smacked on my face. The negative energy in my surrounding was released in a rapid motion. I had feelings that hurled in violently.
Suddenly, I was forcibly put into a condition whereby I lost my ability to accept the reality of life. Troubled again! With all those redundant thoughts and passion, hoping to change the world. I was angry at myself because I knew I would not be able to do anything to change whatever that has happened. My attempt and hope in restoring positive energy into my world would be futile.
Why can’t human beings leave things to be the way it was meant to be? Like family bonds? Family ties..? Why are we all so packed up with our own needs in life that everything else holds no value? It’s just so sad…
Why are we always made to feel like we over react? We are just unnecessary? Why? Why is it that when we are troubled with something, people can tell us that it is nothing? How can the world be made up of so many biased people?
Things are only big when it happens to you and it makes you unhappy. If it happens to others then it suddenly becomes nothing. So much unjust! I can’t take it! Enough is enough!
12:20 PM;
left undecided.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I attended school partially on Friday. I left after meeting 2 to have lunch at Causeway with a friend. My meal was paid for.
“Ok! It’s on me today!” Sexy treat! Hahahaha!
We both had kway teow goreng. His was with chicken, no vegetables and spicy. I requested for a fried seafood kway teow, with no vegetables, spicy and extra salty! He was overwhelmed with the bizarre aspects of my order, and suggests that I should go and make the order myself. He didn’t want to take in the strikingly erratic look from the person taking the order.
I can’t keep pace with him eating. Too fast! And…as usual, most people can’t stand the rate I’m eating at and will have to undergo a stuporous process while waiting for me to finish my meal.
After the not-so-delicious meal, we took a cab to drop him home first and then I progressed to meet Kak CT at Parkway Parade. We had a hard time planning for her son's Borthday Party! Then we went to shop for some themed party stuff.
Subsequently, as planned, my sister fetched us and we set out for Al-Majlis at Arab Street to give Tahir a super late surprise party…
Birthday Boy!!
& me..
Doing RJ!!!
That's about all.. Much fun indeed!
4:37 PM;
left undecided.