Sunday, November 30, 2008
A friend of mine was telling me the other day that I was not blogging based on my objectives, which was to share all those abrupt rapid thoughts stored in my brain! He was grouching about how common it was to read into the humdrum of one’s present.
I agree la. Notwithstanding my real reasons to blog, I still blog about the happenings of today because I thought, if I only share about what’s in mind, it would sound like I’m preaching or giving some kind of lecture. I wouldn’t want you guys to be reading some lengthy rebukes either. Wouldn’t that be monotonous also?
However, my mind is really filled with much foreboding. Being me, this kind of things can trouble me emotionally and mentally. Disturbing!
The fact that girls nowadays get so hooked up with their boyfriends and getting so worked up with their relationship problems can upset me at times. I mean, we are all so young, going through the period where we still mingle around and meet new people.
If your boyfriend gives you faulty treatments and therefore makes him seem imperfect to you, LEAVE HIM!! That’s it! It’s mean..yes it is..and I am not even saying it is easy to do that. No it is not. It took me almost half a year. But if you have to do it, do it!
Life is selfish, people! It is too much concerned with our own welfare or interests and having little or no concern for others. Life is prompted by self-interest. Sometimes, we have to think of ourselves before others. Or else, there’ll be nothing left for us.
It takes two hands to clap to start a relationship, and it does not take the other party’s consent for one to leave. You want to leave, you leave. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
Go out there! Meet more people! Give yourself a chance! Maybe, you deserve better!
On the other hand, if you really love your boyfriend, and if it will hurt you more than you’ll hurt him if you leave, then stay. There is nothing I can do about it because maybe, I have never experienced true love.
…and… I am not saying I don’t like it when you come to me whining, expressing your pain. I am here to provide a shoulder for you to cry on. My ears are always open for you to let your heart out. But please!!! Don’t ask me for advice. Maybe I am really bad at it. I will only tell you to break up. Serious! So don’t ok. Don’t!
12:58 PM;
left undecided.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I have a friend who complains and frets every day about how troubled her peace of mind is. She has always chosen this minority to love and cherish. She has never been after a whole gang or bunch of people. Just a few for her to really keep fondly in mind and treat with affection and tenderness plus to be given the same amount of love she felt she has given her loved ones is all that she needs.
She has always tried her best in dividing her time, attention and if possible, herself to all her minions, without with, will be very consequential for her.
Now, she has come to a point where she feels like a fool expecting the same love from her own people. She starts to question herself. Is she asking for something impossible? Is that too high a demand? Is she even significant to them as they are to her?
So many questions…
She was afraid if these thoughts will drive her mentally deranged. Well, I have always told this friend of mine to never wallow in self-pity. I have always told her to be genuinely sincere loving others, with no pretense and not anticipating anything back from them. Most importantly, I have always told her to be strong. Maybe, they really have got more important things or people to attend to than her. Mayhap, they feel like it is too much to ask for.
That’s just too much to expect. Yes it is… Too much..
4:00 PM;
left undecided.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friendships are fragile things and require as much care in handling as any other fragile and precious thing. We choose our friends carefully. On the other hand, we don't choose our family. They are God's gift to us, as we are to them.
My family and friends are the most significant figures in my life. Yes! They come before my boyfriend (not like I have one now). I personally feel that boyfriends are temporary. No one knows how long our relationship will last. Friends can be temporary too. If they are genuine, and choose to stay permanent, I will always prioritise them before my boyfriend.
I don’t need people to tell me that our boyfriend deserves our prior attention because I will tell you that you are just stupid. To me, love is only chatter, family and friends are all that matter. At this point when I say this, I don’t even fear whether my friends and family members think the way I do.
My strength derives from the integrity of home. I just need to get up in the morning and look myself in the mirror and my family can look at me too and that's all that matters to me.
Friendship without self-interest is one of the rare and beautiful things of life. People whom I call best friends, close friends or at least spend a lot of my time with means a lot to me. I place them just one level below my family. It hurts me to hurt them but I just can't afford to risk something so expressively meaningful just for fun sake.
I can’t. I just can’t.
2:37 PM;
left undecided.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I am still very excited about my blog! I was just too busy engaged with work yesterday morning and sustaining much activity later that night. We had this cousin’s reunion pit organized by our eldest cousin, Kak Tijah. We all thought it was really about time we do something about the unnecessary conflicts that have been going on. No no! Our glory days can never be over can it?? We’re really happy people cuzzies!! Have fun and laugh a lot for laughter is the closest distance between people. Stay close, forever!
Then we cam-whored our way to Pasir Ris Park only after the rain stopped as my bimbotic sister did not want to wet her hair..hahahaha!
Then here comes the fun.. We took alot of pictures with my sister's Nikon D60, but I will only post some. I don't really fancy uploading too many pictures into blogs. I just personally feel like they are not really the proper way of looking at pictures. I don't know why. I'd rather upload them on either friendster or facebook.
The Keleta Organiser
Myself and food!
The way we want to and will be...
That's about all. If you want more, go to my facebook. I should upload the pics soon.
11:05 PM;
left undecided.
Friday, November 21, 2008
All you future Google Whores might want to pay attention to what I’m about to reveal!!!
Is that the way to start posting entries?? I really have no idea nor do I have that discipline to blog. All you know, I might just give up and delete this blog tomorrow. Haha! Yes! Marina, you’re right!
I was questioned on my sudden urge to start blogging. Well, as everyone knows, I think too much. I got this sudden flow of thoughts gushing into my thinking cap stored as a great volume of disturbance. It has become excessive and it’s about time I emit my sudden copious outflow.
I just made it sound all bad didn’t I? It’s just me being me actually. Haha!
Alright! Actually, I wanted to have my first post dedicated to Marina on her effort in creating or designing (or whatever la!!) my blog for me. I know nuts about blogging, I told you! However, as you can see, she has self-credited herself. Haha! So, three words cukop la eh… Thank You Baby!
K let’s not be too long winded. The word count is already a 182 words. Haha! I just came across a thoughtful quote for bloggers.
“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.” – Brian Clark
So, to all of you that has tagged even before I start blogging, I shall tell you that I think I am about 1 for 100 when it comes to successful ideas vs flops. However, since I understand that I am too interesting to resist, I shall try and blog.
…and YES!! Contradiction detected!!
4:35 PM;
left undecided.

okay. so hello there to first timers reading.
haha. not farhanah here but her friend.
im the creator of the blog.
which she will be updating soon enough.
anyways, its typical of farhanah to blog one day and then go lazy.
haha. (sorry huns.)
and sorry i was soooo tempted to blog in yours
cause its soooo freaking nice!!
credits to me of course.
anw, all the best people.
god bless
you know you want me. xoxo.
1:14 PM;
left undecided.